Friday 4 September 2009

Swine flu shield

AYURVED Fights---- Swine Flu

Most scaring health problem these days is Swine Flu, not only in India
But Worldwide.

Tulsi (ocimum sanctum) also known as VISHNUPRIYA
Black Pepper
(piper nigrum)
Giloy (tinospora cordifolia-Tinospora Gulancha)

Are the three Ingredients of this Effort for Raising Body Immunity and making it strong enough to fight the Virus affecting the body.
Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia) -ACTIVATE and ENHANCES W.B.C. activity(the defence force of body)-- making body resistant against Infections.
It acts as a Immunomodulator.
Take 5 leaves of Tulsi and 5 pieces of black pepper and boil these with
about 7-8 inches of a branch (shaft) of Giloy plant after crushing it,(giloy powder is freely available in Ayurvedic Medical Store as sat -giloy or Amrita Satva)added with a cup of water ,
cooled naturally, before drinking it twice daily.
In my Clinical Practice it has proved to be a perfect immunity booster-Platlet count Enhancer- home remedy
for viral infections affecting respiratory tract-- sneezing-cough-fever-malaise-bodyache.

Dr Sudhir Kant Sharma

My photo
Consultant PHYSICIAN Ayurved LifeStyle with a University Degree in Ayurved alongwith Inherited Wisdom of Ayurved for three generations from My Nana ji VAIDYA SHANKARDEV SHARMA,a Graduate of Jaipur State College in 1927,and My Father DR.KAILASH BEHARI SHARMA, A,B.M.S.a postgraduate of B.H.U.(BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY)in 1954.In Practice for over 54 yrs now.

Which system of medicine has no after effects
